Sunday 20 January 2013

Unfinished business...

Snow has indeed fallen since Friday...cannot say it was exactly what I was hoping for. Still time though, today it seems to be turning thicker.

I had a beautiful book as a kid, that was sent to us from a Danish family we met on a holiday. It was all about snow with illustrations of snow foot prints of different animals in the forest. It became very popular with my classmates at primary school and unsurprisingly I can no  longer find it amongst my old books at home.
I remember playing a similar game in Moscow from the windows of our coach, where I had to look at fresh snow-prints and then look at all the pedestrians and their different shoes and quickly try to match the right shoes to the right snow-prints. And then take it a step further and try and imagine their faces. Very annoyingly many times the traffic would suddenly clear and we would move or the angle was wrong or someone walked in front and I never got to see some faces. 
Anyway, the only interesting snow-print that can be seen from this window is this of a car.

Gone auto mobile, gone

Of course instead of sitting around (kind of) and waiting for the snow to build up, I could have been getting on with some of my projects. I often find myself complaining that I don't get the time to finish some of them off. It is very strange as very often I get an idea, somehow find the materials-or the other way around-and get on with it and finish everything very fast, even if circumstances are not favourable. Other times I have the idea and start something but time passes and things happen and  it just takes ages for me to finish something. These  unfinished projects hover around (literally and) in my head and I am now determined to finish at least a couple of them. 

Three wooden dolls with interchangeable heads, finished in
 less than a week in a dump house with a small baby

And the next images are of a new (really started months and months ago) set of wooden dolls, for which I had all the kind help in the world from a friend and his wood turning equipment and expertise, but despite that and despite living in a great apartment with no dump, they are still not finished. So I will give my self a deadline of 1 month from today to finish them. And that is that!


The one doll out of three that is finished

...and the pieces of the remaining two dolls  

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